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Christian Names

Christian Names

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Description If you attach importance to labeling your own things not only with bare initials, but with the complete (Christian) name, you may choose from this series. However, to make a find in the following list, you should enjoy a rather traditional, dignified, old proven (preferably German) forename like Eduard or Margrit, though you will also come across with a few high trendy names like Andrea, Laura, Philipp, or Céline.

Embroidered Christian Names
Adolf Agnes Albert Albertine Albin Alfons Alfred* Alma*
Amanda   Andrea Annamarie Antonie Arno Arthur
August Auguste Augustine Baby Barbara Béatrice Bella Bernhard
Brigitte Bruno Céline Christine Cilli Clary
Claudia Daniela David Delia Dora Doris Edmund Eduard
Edwin Egon Eleonore Elisabeth Ella* Elly Else Emil
&bsp; Emmy Erich Erika Erna Ernestine Ernst
Estelle Esther Eugen Eva Ewald Felicitas Felix Ferdinand
Franziska Franz Friedrich Gabriela Georg Gerhard Germaine
Gertrude Gertrud Gottfried Gustav Gusti Harry Hede Heinrich
Henny Herbert Hermann Hildegard Honorine Hubertine
Hugo Hulda Jakob Jeanne Josef Julius Karin Karl
Katharina Käthe Kurt Laura Leni Leonore Leontine
Leo Lilli Lilly Lorenz Ludwig Luigia Lydia Manuela
Margrit Marianne Maria Martin Max Mea
Mia Michaela Monika Moritz Myria Nicole Oskar
Oswald Ottilie Otto Pauline* Peter Philippine Philipp Rachel
Raffaella Reinhold Richard Rita Robert Rosina Rosmarie Rudi
Rudolf Ruth Selma Sibilla Silvia Susanne Theodor
Therese Toni Ursula Verena Victorine Victor Waldemar
Walther* Wanda Werner Wilhelmine Wilhelm Willy* Yvonne
Size and outline of the different name embroideries is not uniform, but varies a bit as you can see from the pictures. Some names are only available in very limited quantity as Alma; they have a small star in the above list. 
Material Cotton. 
Size 1.2 inches x 0.8 inches up to 2 inches x 0.8 inches. 
Age From 1910 on. 
Origin St. Gall (Switzerland). 
Unit Piece. 
Date Added on May 1, 2001. 
Code MO015 
Price US $4.45  
Code Item PriceQuantityDetail 1 Order
MO015 Christian Names  US $4.45 
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Star Ariadne’s Thread: The OrnamentEmbroideriesMonograms → MO015

1 US$ = 0,90 CHF
Revision 13.3.2019